WHAT will steelpan mean to TT in the future?
The movement continues to evolve, with the UN declaring August 11 World Steelpan Day, and the instrument continually gaining more recognition worldwide.
But in the future, will it simply continue to be an ambassador for the nation’s culture, symbolising its creativity and tenacity of its people, or can it be something more?
West Indian Tobacco Co (WITCO) chairman Ingrid Lashley addressed the issue when she spoke at the National Entrepreneurship Development Company Ltd’s national spotlight on its training and business advisory services on Monday.
She believes steelpan will be more than just a national instrument and that panmen and panwomen will be more than just cultural ambassadors. She said pan can and will be a local and foreign revenue-earner, contributing not just to the nation’s pride but to its GDP. Read More
Hamilton-Davis, R. (2023, November 29). Desperadoes Pan Theatre: Not just a home, centre for business - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday. Newsday.co.tt. https://newsday.co.tt/2023/11/29/desperadoes-pan-theatre-not-just-a-home-centre-for-business/