Renowned musician and composer, Dr Len "Boogsie" Sharpe, the maestro behind HADCO Phase II Pan Groove, is set to mark a significant milestone as he celebrates his 70th birthday on October 28.
The occasion will be commemorated with a spectacular musical event, "Dr. Len "Boogsie" Sharpe Birthday Jam In D’ Village," which will take place at the HADCO Phase II Pan Groove Panyard, located at 13 Hamilton Street, Woodbrook. The evening starts at 7:00pm with live entertainment from 8:00pm.
The celebration promises to be a night of exceptional musical talent and vibrant performances. The event will be open to the public and free of charge, allowing fans and music enthusiasts to come together to honour Boogsie’s illustrious career and musical contributions.
Among the highlights of the evening's entertainment, attendees can look forward to performances by Republic Bank Exodus steel orchestra, Heritage Skiffle Bunch , Desperadoes and special guest singer LeAndra will add an extra layer of excitement to the festivities. Read More
Pan legend Boogsie to mark 70th birthday with special musical event | Loop Trinidad & Tobago. (n.d.). Loop News. Retrieved October 27, 2023, from